Get Involved!


Sambalanco is a community band. There are no auditions and no previous musical experience is required. All are welcome, though children under fourteen must be accompanied by an adult. All instruments are provided.

We perform regularly throughout the year and take part in some great events like Brighton Pride, Lewes Bonfire, Hastings Bonfire and Jack in the Green.

If you want to get involved please come along to one of our free ‘Newbie Nights’ which are held on the first Wednesday of each month at The Carlisle pub on Hastings seafront. Please try to arrive between 7.15 and 7.30pm when there should be someone in the bar in a yellow Sambalanco top to welcome you. If not, or you arrive late, please ask at the bar for directions to the room upstairs.

Our regular rehearsals for members are every Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30pm at The Carlisle. It’s only £3 to attend (£1 concessions), and if all that drumming sounds like thirsty work, not to worry, there’s a bar downstairs, and some of us go for a drink afterwards too.